the empowerment scholarship

I created the Empowerment Scholarship at the University of Winnipeg Faculty of Kinesiology, which is dedicated to empowering future therapists who understand the profound impact of combining academic knowledge with real-world experience.

Aspiring to cultivate a new generation of holistic practitioners, this scholarship recognizes the pivotal role that comprehensive learning plays in fostering empathetic, insightful, and effective athletic therapists, and provides financial support to athletic therapy students attending conferences or courses.

By encouraging exploration and knowledge outside of traditional academic curriculums, the aim is to provide students with the skills and perspective necessary to see beyond conventional boundaries and grasp the entirety of their clients' needs.

This scholarship will be awarded to a student in the Athletic Therapy program at The University of Winnipeg who is also a member in good standing of the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association. Recipients will be asked to complete an application outlining the conference or course they would like to attend and provide information on their involvement in the athletic therapy program and in the community. Selection of the successful recipient will be made by the Kinesiology and Applied Health Departmental Awards Committee, and is based on academic excellence, leadership activities and dedication to the profession.