Athletic therapy Frequently asked questions

Unsure what athletic therapy is, or how it works?
This page is for you!


What is an Athletic Therapist?
An athletic therapist is an expert in the assessment, rehabilitation, and prevention of injuries to muscles, bones, joints, and nerves, including concussions.

Is a physician referral needed?
Only if your insurance plan asks for it!
Athletic Therapy is direct access - you can contact me or the clinic directly to book an appointment and come on your own.
If I think we need to include a physician in your care plan then we can go that route after your assessment.

Is physiotherapy the same thing?
Kind of. Physiotherapists are also trained in musculoskeletal injuries, and they have additional training in cardiac and respiratory training, where Athletic Therapists have additional training in advanced exercise prescription and emergency first aid.
I believe the difference in a clinical setting is more about us as people, than us as a type of therapist.
But for insurance purposes, we are completely 100% different.

Are your services only for athletes?
First of all, everyone is an athlete in some way.
Secondly, in official terms, no.
Literally any human being can see an athletic therapist!

Is direct billing available?
I can direct bill Manitoba Public Insurance, the Worker’s Compensation Board of Manitoba, and Manitoba Blue Cross.
For any other insurance company, you’ll be provided a receipt upon payment that you can submit for reimbursement.

What is the investment and what forms of payment are accepted?
The $115.5 initial investment and $82 subsequent can be taken care of via
credit, e-transfer, debit, cash, or cheque.
(in the fall I accept pumpkin spice lattes as well. just kidding. kind of.)


How do I book?
Hit up THIS page!

What type of music do you play during sessions?
I love Clay Aiken and Backstreet Boys, but I promise we will mutually decide.

Is there a difference with where I see you?
Nope! I’m me, and athletic therapy is athletic therapy, no matter where.

What’s your favourite way to train, and yoga pose?
Steel Mace, Deadlifts and Crow Pose